Film Crew

Sascha Ettinger Epstein Director & Cinematographer |
Sascha Ettinger Epstein is a documentary filmmaker and magazine feature writer with a taste for edgy stories. Her first documentary Painting with Light in a Dark World, about eccentric visionary Kings Cross street photographer Peter Darren Moyle, won many awards including Best Short Documentary at the San Francisco International Film Festival 2003, the AFI for Best Direction in a Documentary, an IF Award and an ATOM Award and was a finalist in the 2003 Dendy Awards.
Thereafter, she completed a Masters in Documentary Direction at AFTRS where she made Sentences, a short documentary about an art program within maximum security at Long Bay Gaol which won an IF Award and played at Flickerfest 2005 and St Kilda Film Festival 2005 and Change of Heart, about the mystique of the human heart and heart transplantation which won an ATOM Award and was also a finalist in the Sydney Film Festival Dendy Awards 2005. Having finished film school, she directed a film about the 'Croc Fest' for indigenous youth from remote communities in the Northern Territory, and was then selected to represent Oceania in a documentary-making competition in Belgium.
She has spent the last three years making The Oasis, a feature-length longitudinal observational film about a youth refuge in inner-city Sydney and recently completed Midnight Children, an hour length piece about an after-dark basketball competition for kids living in a notorious public housing estate in Sydney’s Woolloomooloo. She also writes features for Studio Magazines and tutors Cultural Studies at the University of Technology, Sydney.