
Emma & Trent |
19 year old Emma and her boyfriend Trent, are one of the most lively couples around Oasis. They have just welcomed their first child Destiny Rose into the world and are struggling with the dramas of living on welfare and keeping their relationship together with the demands of a child. In the midst of trying to be good parents, they also face their own personal challenges. Moving house is a constant challenge in their lives as they try to find somewhere more affordable to really make into a home for their family. Ultimately Emma, the youngest of ten kids, doesn't have great role models to base her parenting on but she loves her daughter fiercely. The stunning Destiny Rose is much loved around Oasis, and is like a surrogate grandchild to Paul and his staff. Trent is determined to get his life together so his daughter can go to a good school and have all the things in her childhood he and Emma didn't.